A bold vision, new name, brand, website and chapter for Te Ūaka The Lyttelton Museum. Its collections are safe in storage but Lyttelton’s historical museum, struck by the 2011 earthquakes, is gone and the Lyttelton Museum Historical Society’s Committee is launching a fundraising campaign in February for its new purpose-built museum designed by Warren & Mahoney in collaboration with Ngāti Wheke and the wider community. The new museum will be next door to the library in London Street on a site granted to it by the Christchurch City Council. Its new name, Te Ūaka has been gifted to the Museum by Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke. Te Ūaka can refer to a landing place, a place of arrival, or a berthing or mooring place for a watercraft, connecting all arrivals to this location, Māori and Pākehā and crews of the Antarctic Heroic era, marking the beginning of a new era for whomever has landed here.