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Flashbacks- Five Generations of Artists

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While numerous artists have explored and responded to the theme of family, it’s a rare  lineage that can artistically and individually explore diverse narratives that are visually arresting, exclusively unique and multi-generational.

However, in a remarkable feat of familial creativity, Susan Badcock Gallery will exhibit   Flashbacks, a prodigious exhibition featuring five generations of the Badcock family.

A retrospective by painter John Badcock explores his prominent journey throughout the decades: his immersion into fashion, landscape, pointillism, realism, expressionism and contemporary iPad art, all a historical record of his prolific contribution to fine art. His genius remains relevant, thought-provoking, sometimes controversial, always exceptional. To accompany this retrospective, John’s is exhibiting his most recent work, Path to the Unknown, exploring his personal passage and encouraging the viewer  to remember theirs.

Susan Badcock’s latest works are a celebration of her own journey where art and business  have blended seamlessly. It’s an amusing yet triumphant series of photographs, eight years of successful gallery exhibitions where the backs of viewers have amalgamated with the art, unified and combined in a lively fusion that blurs the line between art and life - a vivacious flashback of flash backs, masking the demands of combining working artistry with viable commerce and observing this achievement.

In addition, an original painting by Susan’s great grandmother, Claudia Colston-Sage wil be on exhibition.  Part of a private collection, it pre-dates World War One and is rarely available for public viewing.  Works by the late Douglas Badcock, Susan’s grandfather, will also be featured, as will paintings by Susan’s daughter, fourteen-year old Iluka Gardziej.

Rounding out the family narrative, Susan’s sister, Helen Badcock and brother Steven Boyd, are also exhibiting.  With prophetic foresight, Helen painted Geraldine’s Old Post Office Building in 2016, now the home of the Susan Badcock Gallery, while Steven makes up one half  of Deadly Ponies, makers of luxury leatherware;  fine art and high fashion with an abundance of texture, colour and sculptural poise.




Susan Badcock Gallery

Old Post Office Building, (upstairs) 47 Talbot St, Geraldine

Exhibition Opening Saturday 13 November 4-6pm, open until 4 December


  1. Susan Badcock, Modelling Night, 1990, oil on canvas
  2. John Badcock,Path to the Unknown, 2021, oil on canvas


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